Sunday, October 14, 2012

Necklace Holder DIY

For years my necklaces have been a tangled up mess in a box.  Yeah, not good.  For a long time I just rationalized that it was because I am not a jewelery person.  Oh well...  Then recently we were given another box of assorted necklaces.  Talk about a tangled mess!!!!  After spending some time untangling tho I realized that some of the necklaces were actually kind of nice.  So I threw on a couple one day and got several compliments.  Ok, time to get off my butt then and figure out how to keep these necklaces separate.  Plus it took me a few HOURS to untangle them all!

So,  after doing alittle pinterest research I realized I may have just what I needed already at home....

What I used.....
      Unused metal towel bar
      shower curtain hooks
      bronze paint

Thats it!!!  I had found the towel rack while we were camping.... Yeah an eww what the hell find?! but it got tossed into the camper and then in my craft room.  I then seem to have a collection of shower curtain hooks that I haven't used.

I then spray painted everything bronze.  Let it dry and then mounted the towel bar to the wall.  Then i just hung my necklaces on the hooks and then on the towel rack.  Looks ok and now they wont get tangled!

Love a nice easy project!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Halloween Decor 2012

I have begun to decorate for Halloween...  

Yeah I know,
I just couldnt wait any longer, plus I want to enjoy it!

Monday, September 10, 2012

The cooking lesson!

Teaching Andrew to cook........

For some reason it is alot easier to teach my daughter to cook than my son.  Perhaps because she is alittle more eager to attempt cooking.  Oh well :)  Today was Andrew's day to learn a few things about cooking.
I had him chop mushrooms, onions, and zuchini and put into a bowl.  I then had him add the hamburger (raw) 4 eggs, and some mashed crackers.  He then got the job of mixing it all together with his washed hands.
 He wasnt so sure he liked it but he was smiling so I think he lived.
 He then pressed all of it into a 9x13 pan and poured spagetti sauce over the top.  We then covered it with aluminum foil and put it in the oven to cook at 350 degrees.  A pic of the finished meal will follow soon!

At this point I am just so proud of him for helping me and trying to learn something new!

hugs to my wonderful son Andrew!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New Chickens!

I went this morning and picked up 3 new 1 year old chickens!

Im so excited!  Especially since it was so sad our last ones were killed.

We have yet to name them.  But I have spoiled them a bit with apples, strawberries and a banana.

Love them already!!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Halloween Skull Wreath

Skull Halloween Wreath

This past couple days I have been working on a Halloween wreath.  I used dollar store skeletons that I cut up and painted.  A wreath form.  Some moss and a few bugs.  Thats it!!

Longest part wast painting the skeletons so they looked less plastic.  Hardest part was glue gunning the whole thing together.  Because I always burn myself with my glue gun....repeatedly!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Eye see you!

I made a jar of eyeballs over the weekend to go with my other specimen jars I use to decorate for Halloween!  

To do this you need:
Plastic eyeballs from the dollar store
an empty jar with a lid (mine was an empty salad dressing jar)
green and yellow food coloring

This is easy.  Plop the eyeballs in the jar.  Add water and then a few drops of green and yellow food coloring until the water is the shade you like.  Then put on the lid.  I then did spray paint the lid a bronze color and will probably add some dust to the top for an aged affect.  Sometimes I do a label,  but in this case it covered the eyes and we like it better this way.   Pics to follow of the whole thing set up for Halloween!

I love easy cheesy!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Family Room 2012!

My family room...... 

Pretty simple, but I love my couches.  And I cant do a coffee table because we have spontaneous gaming, dancing and other things that go on in the center of the room.  A coffee table would just be in the way!

The other side of the room by the stairs.....

I moved the fish tank so Im still in search of something else to put where that too small table is....

The fireplace side...

The fireplace is double sided with the Kitchen....I do love that!

The bookshelf behind the couch...

So there ya have it.  Homey, basic, but good :)

I linked my family room photos to Thrifty Chick Decor!

New leaf Gourd

I recently finished a new gourd.  I really do like the way this one came out using different color dyes.  I sell them on occasion and so if anyone is interested, please let me know.  :)

Here is another side.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Mending my heart!

I have been in a funk.  I hate funks.  I have also been feeling very down the past few days.  My heart hurts.  I need to pull myself out of it.  I know I do.  I also know what is bothering me shouldnt.  But it does, more that I care to let it.  So,  I figured today I should at least channel that into a project.   

I dont know about you but I love collecting heart shaped rocks.  I have a basket full in my bedroom.  I then always keep one right in the middle of the pile to remind me that life is good.  Life is worth living.  And that life needs LOVE!

So, I grabbed the heart rock.  Gave it a good scrubbing and repainted it to show a mended heart.  Because that it what I need mine to do!

 My finished heart - I even painted a tiny bandaide on it.  

And then I replaced it on the pile!  See!  Feeling alittle better already! 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

DIY Halloween Noose Necklace

I am starting to try and come up with a few new pre- Halloween projects.  That and Im still so not ready to face back - to - school.  UGH!!

Anyhow here is my first project of the season!

 A Halloween Noose Necklace!

What you need:
twine, thick string or yarn
some sort of clasp.  unless you want to make it long enough to tie!

I got the directions on noose making (learn something new everyday!)  on this website...

here is my basic boring noose.....

I then damped it with plain water and added a few layers of brown paint to age it.  Nooses are old and yucky ya know :)

I then took a clasp i had on hand...

Unraveled the end of the string and tied it on....

 Then tidied the ends....

And then I was done.  Plus it is so hot in my shop that it dried quickly!

It is also why I look like Im melting!!!

Happy Pre- Halloween!

leaf gourd

updated to show finished gourd :)

My latest project almost finished.....

Still needs a bit of sanding and prepping, but almost done.

ugh, wish it wasnt so hot in my shop!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Live Life

This has been playing in my head all morning...  Thought I would share!

Live Life

© Livelovelaugh
Life is crazy,
and totally unpredictable...
It's going to push you over,
kick you while you're down
and hit you when you try to get back up.
Not everything can beat you.
Things are going to change you,
But you get to choose which ones you let change you.
Listen to your heart,
Follow your dreams,
And let no one tell you what you're capable of.
Push the limits,
Bend the rules,
And enjoy every minute of it.
Laugh at everything,
Live for as long as you can.
Love all,
But trust none.
Believe in yourself,
And never lose faith in others
Settle for nothing but only the best,
And give 110% in everything you do.
Take risks,
Live on the edge,
Yet stay safe,
And cherish every moment of it.
Life is a gift,
Appreciate all the rewards,
And jump on every opportunity.
Not everyone's going to love you
But who needs them anyways.
Challenge everything,
And fight for what you believe.
Back down to nothing,
But give in to the little things in life,
After all, that is what makes you.
Forget the unnecessary,
But remember everything,
Bring it with you everywhere you go.
Learn something new,
And appreciate criticism.
Hate nothing,
But dislike what you want.
Never forget where you came from,
And always remember where you are going.
Live Life to its fullest,
And have a reason for everything,
Even if it's totally insane.
Find Your purpose in life,
and Live it!

Source: Live Life, Inspirational Poem 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Moving on with a new project!

Ok, I have been slacking.  Well, to put it more bluntly, grieving.  I will always miss my sweetheart but after a while you pick yourself up and realize life has to go on.  ugh.  dam.

Anyhow, one morning I woke up and decided that it was high time to do something I hadnt done before.  Something that I couldnt do because Mr. Sweetheart didnt think we should.  Sorry dear, your dont have a say anymore.  After a while I came up with the perfect idea and after work set about making it happen.

What was it????


Libby was my helper!  Once we had them safely in their tub with warming light, we went to work on their house....I picked it up at D&B Supply.

 She was an awesomer worker! Plus we got to use the drill!

All Done!

 Here she is holding one of the chickens.....they are getting alittle bigger :)

 the Ladies in their new home!

 Sadly we lost Mabel, after she was attacked by a neighbor dog.  She was such a sweetheart!
Here are the two remaining ladies.... Betty and Martha.

 Spending some time with Betty...

Who you lookin at??

 Martha chillaxin in the sun....

Here is her "Bring it Bitch" look!

Anyhow they are cute, adorable and funny.  So very glad we did it!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Otis

You know the saying, "You don't know what you have until its gone"?  I have to say in this case it's totally wrong.  I knew what I had with Otis.  I would look at him every day and know he was a gift.  I also would look at him and worry.  For some reason I always worried that we would not have enough time together.  I would look at him and worry about time.  So strange now that I look back on it.  We found each other so late in life.  He was such an amazing part of my life I wanted to spend 100 years by his side.

Last Wed,  Jan 25th 2012,  my husband Otis died of a massive heart attack.  At least I think it was massive because he just went so quickly.  He had just sat down with his coffee and turned on his laptop.  It was such a shock because he had volunteered to help get the kids ready for school and had even taken Andrew to the gaming store the night before.  He was so full of life.  He wasn't complaining about any odd aches or pains.  I just heard him make a horrible noise and then he was slumped over on his computer.  I tried to lay him down when he started to slide out of his chair and then while on the phone with 911 I did chest compressions until my parents ran over from next door and my dad took over.  He was just gone so very fast.

I miss my best friend.  But I know so strongly that he knew how much I loved him and how much he loved me. We had so much in common.   We just loved to just hang out together and just talk.  Or go fishing and camping.  We worked together, went shopping together, took care of the kids together - everything.  That will be the hardest part to get used to - doing everything alone or just with the kids.

They kids are trying to cope with all this.  They loved him so much as well.  After he died Anthony sat down and told us his best friend just died.  Andrew was just getting so close with him and they were spending so much time together bonding.  I wish I could tell Otis that Andrew still needed him more and that he wasn't finished there but I cant.  Otis was so caring with Libby and protective.  It will just take time to get used to the hole he left in our hearts.

He always told me so many times that his job was to teach me to be strong.  I don't know why he felt so strongly about that.  I am going to try and be strong for him.  He made me a better person and I will treasure that forever.