Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Apple Pastries

 For a while these kept popping up on my pinterest feed all the time!  SO,  I figured I needed to try them!  I actually dont think they turned out too bad and they look fairly impressive!

All you really need to do is look up apple pasties on Pinterest for better directs.  It I have more time later Ill link it up.  But im pretty sure everyone can find it!

 All ready to go!

Cooling in the oven!


So Pretty!  My kids liked them.  But my kids are not apple pie fans so they didnt fly off the plate.  They were yummy tho!

Chalkboard Art!

I have done a few chalkboards lately.  More because I find it calming.  And less about making any money because well, everyone just asks for you to do it as a "favor"  yeah ok   

Anyhow, this is one that I quicky drew up and is hanging in my kitchen....

Also in my kitchen....  more to hide the wifi than anything else.  :)

A chalkboard I did for my sister for Christmas time....

My welcome milk can out front.  (milk can was my grandpas!)

Chalkboard I did for my mom....

Its probably alot like coloring for some people in that it calms me.  Although i havent switched any yet for a while....  I do have a few more that Ill try to post later.  

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Stained Planter Boxes

My ex Chuck was nice enough to being me some wood boxes he got at work.  They use them to ship equipment in.  He thought I could use them to plant a garden at my new house.  

 I ended up staining them with dark walnut!

Here are 2 of them with Strawberries planted!  I will post the others once I get them planted!  They are really sturdy and look great!

so ready for summer!!!