Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Just for Rachels giveaway!

Just for Rachel is having a giveaway. I thought I would blog about it and link it up because I love her super cute push pins! I think cork boards are my weakness - doesnt everyone need a cork board like this?!

1 comment:

Jen @ Just for Rachel said...

Thank you Annie Rose!

If you would like to, here is a short lesson on how to put my button (or any button) on your blog :) First you highlight my entire html/java script that is under my button on my blog. When on your dashboard (or from your blog you click on 'customize' in the top right corner) go to your 'layout' tab. From there you can choose to "add a gadget" (just like you do for your pictures that are on the side of your blog). Click on the one that is called "html/java script" and paste the script you copied from the button. Save and close, and you are done :). Then you can move it anywhere you want in that row. I hope that all makes sense! And the neat things about buttons is that all you have to do is click on it to get to the website it is for :) Good luck in my giveaway!