Saturday, October 24, 2009

My craft weekend is cancelled

I'm so bummed this weekend. I had a full weekend planned of listening to music, working on my craft projects and learning more about blogging. Plus I really love reading and absorbing all the cute craft ideas I have been seeing on other's blogs. Unfortunately, all that is cancelled. I have swine flu. Most moms out there know that when you get sick, you take an extra cough drop, a dose of dayquil and go about your day. At least that is what I usually do. This one however has me beat. Aside from the fever, coughing terrible body aches, and sweats (I feel like I'm prepping for menopause) Ive had a migraine that I could seriously do without. My wonderful hubby has been taking care of me, even when I have those moments where I am just plain grouchy, tired and bored. Im glad that my kids are at their dad's this weekend and hopefully wont get this - I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Sooooo not fun. So for now Im drooling over everyone else's projects when I have the energy to and sleeping. My projects will have to wait.... UGH


Holly said...

oh my goodness, that's terrible!!! Good luck and hang in there. You will have to just soak up all of your favorite crafty blogs while you are out of comission!

Keep us posted on your recovery!

Free Art Printables said...

I hope your recovery is fast!