Tuesday, October 19, 2010

My problem in my son's room

I want to start off this post by saying that this is mostly in jest.  Only mostly.  Part of me is bothered enough by it to post but most of me is just trying to shrug it off and laugh over it.

Let me enlighten you...

Here is my special needs son Anthony's room.  He has a game room that holds all his toys and things and so his bedroom is just a place for sleep. 
his bed

his comic books above his dresser
his chair with his favorite Darth Vader and dog
Ok now here is the part that brings fear every time I go into his room to clean or make his bed.  Look carefully in case you may miss it.  **Hint** its just not something you see in every 16 year old boys room.
and this one

see them peeking away int he corner?

And my all time fav....

Do you now understand?

The thing is, Anthony went a while back through a rather intense LOVE of Wizard of Oz stage.  Just recently in fact over the summer.  I mean LOVE.  Word got out of his love for the movie so much that the women in my church found out and guess what they had laying around after girls camp.  You guessed it!!  Large cardboard Wizard of Oz figures.  Everyone needs some of these!!  Im kidding.  Actually it seems a bit strange in my sons room and they sometimes freak me out when I go into his room.  But, as a mom I will do my best to tolerate them because my son LOVES them.  Im hoping he will tire of them eventually.  Oh and the puffy colored paper balls are also sometime he loves and I pretend are not there.  Oh kill me now lol!

So now you know my greatest Halloween SCARE!


Su said...

Adorable! You're a great mum for letting him have all of that in his room
Nothing wrong with his room at all :D

Hello Jessica Lynn said...

Visiting from the blog hops!

I like your sons room...but a mom knows what her child needs the best!! I have learned that over the years...Mom knows best!! LOL But..I really like his room!!

Hope you'll visit either or both of my blogs and follow.

So Stylilized: FREE custom blog designs: http://sostylilized.blogspot.com

Jessicas Lil Corner: family blog: http://jessicaslilcorner.blogspot.com

Baye said...

If I posted pictures of my sons' rooms, you would truly appreciate your guy's room! Those cardboard cut-outs would be a great improvement on Kyle and Kiefer's rooms. With luck, my boys would would be hanging clothes from them. That would clear up the floor a bit.

As long as they don't leave that kind of mess in the rest of the house, we have a truce.