Monday, September 13, 2010

Trader Joe's

I have been dying to go to a Trader Joe's. Only problem is, they dont have one in my state! WHY OH WHY! I hate that. Adding it to my list of stores that Im dying to visit and spend money at but CANT because they are so far away.....I'm talking about you Ikea and Tai Pan! I also cant seem to get Sweetheart to go on a mini trip just to visit a "gasp" store. So there ya have it - stuck drooling from afar. Oh the horror.

Trader Joe’s S’mashing S’mores

Dont they just look sooooo yummy!

1 comment:

Baye said...

I feel your pain! We don't have a Trader Joe's either. Ever since my son lived in L. A. for a while, I've been wanting to see this great store he was always talking about. Same with Ikea. I have to drive from Upstate New York to New Jersey to get to one which I've managed to do once. I don't even know what the other store you mentioned is--that's probably a good thing.

On the plus side--rumor has it there will be a Trader Joe's a few town away. Of course, I've been hearing that for a year now.